5 Advantages

We have earned an excellent reputations and satisfaction from our customers in Japan and abroad since our establishment by providing products and services with the following strengths.

5 Advantages | We provide technical problem solutions and proposals based on the know-how we have cultivated over many years. |We thoroughly control product quality at the ppb (parts per million) level, and through continuous quality improvement efforts, we always provide the highest quality products that satisfy our domestic and overseas customers. |We promise a stable supply of products on a worldwide level, based on our global network, and with the speed to respond to customer requests. |We offer competitive prices by thoroughly streamlining the process from order receipt to product delivery. | From the customer's perspective, we provide optimal packaging specifications and technical information, as well as screening and inspection services for non-conforming products.

TechnicalSupport: We provide technical problem solutions and proposals based on the know-how we have cultivated over many years.
Quality: We thoroughly control product quality at the ppb (parts per million) level, and through continuous quality improvement efforts, we always provide the highest quality products that satisfy our domestic and overseas customers.
Logistics: Based on our global network, we promise a stable supply of products on a worldwide level at a speed that meets customer demands.
Cost: We offer competitive prices by thoroughly streamlining the process from order receipt to product delivery.
Service: We provide optimal packaging specifications and technical information from the customer's perspective, as well as screening and inspection services for non-conforming products.


We are proud of the high level of customer  satisfaction we have built up over the years by providing high quality products and services guaranteed by the unique technological support of C-Lux, and this is also our greatest strength.
